Covid-19 plan
Some information below has been updated for 2021 - Due to the current level of Covid in Knox County as of this edit (September 2021) the below may still be true. If you have questions, please let us know!
In response to the COVID-19 situation, we are taking the following steps.
As always – there’s no touching. You don’t touch them; they can’t touch you.
Our line will be spaced with 10 feet between groups. 10 feet spacing will be marked on the ground, please stay with the group you came with.
Groups size will be 4 or less. If your group has more than 4 you will be asked to separate into different groups before entering. There will be no exceptions. This is not up for debate at the ticket taker's booth - please decide this BEFORE you get there.
Even if you have a child that you wish to carry, they will count as a person.
On a side note - we will make them cry and are not responsible for nightmares. If you do not think your child can handle it - or if you have to carry them to make them go through - please don't bring them. Our haunt is appropriate for people age 13 and up.
We will be keeping count of those currently inside the haunt and will time groups to limit capacity to approved levels. This also applies to those waiting in line. If the line reaches a capacity over our approved level, you may be asked to wait in your vehicle until the line shortens.
We ask that you do not wait around outside the haunt, especially if your group is separated. Please wait in or near your vehicle in the parking lot.
There may be more rules/changes as we get closer to opening. We are cooperating with the city and following all state guidelines. If the phases or situation changes we will make every attempt to stay open following their rules.